ferdinándxferdinánd=ferdinándanégyzeten építészek ezúton is tartanak kapcsolatot a külvilággal
This is a weblog of Ferdinand and Ferdinand Architects with news about our daily working life, Arch-Interviews
@macdroog: nyugodtan jöhet privát vagy nyilvánosan is, a megjelenés a contemporist-en nem olyan na... (2010.06.15. 17:37)Ferdinánd és Ferdinánd a CONTEMPORIST-en
We have got the following message last night:"The photo you submitted to ArchRecord.com, titled "American system (AMSY) Headoffice," has been selected to appear in "The World of Design". You can see your photo, and the others in this gallery,…
We have got this news:"Dear Blogs friends of WA Community, I am very happy to share with you the attached press release announcing the winners of 7th Cycle of WA Awards. Please let me know if you are interested in further information or high resolution images. Feel free to circulate the results…
We have featured our project Pannon Falap-Lemez Head Office on urbArAmA. The stand of the game: Tulipán st 0 vote, Pannon Falap-Lemez 1 star - 1 vote and AMSY 5 stars - 45 votes. Many thanks to the unknown voters for AMSY.Néhány napja feltöltöttük a Pannon Falap-Lemez épületét is az…
We are introducing the Estudio Teddy Cruz from San Diego with help of Judit Havens.."Teddy Cruz’ work dwells at the border between San Diego, California and Tijuana, Mexico, where he has been developing a practice and pedagogy that emerge out of the particularities of this bicultural…
Once upon time in the 50'-s a little house was built in the forest. The first extension came in the 70'-s. And now after a facelifting this family house looks better then ever before. Budán az ötvenes évek "szűk és nehéz" levegőjében épült egy kis földszintes ház a domboldalon…